The Tour of Nilgiris (TFN) logo is a masterpiece that blends modernity with the adventurous spirit. It draws inspiration from the sleek contours of mountain ranges and the streamlined silhouette of bicycles, epitomising the essence of contemporary adventure.
Font - The Futura BK BT typeface exudes modernity and sophistication and perfectly complements the dynamic nature of our cycling events. Our carefully curated palette of Deep Blue, Pine Green, Pearl White, and other hues reflects the natural beauty of Nilgiris. It adds a touch of contemporary flair to our logo, resonating with the modern sensibilities of our audience.
Mountain and Cycle Elements:- Crafted amidst Nilgiris' vibrant cycling scene, the TFN logo is a minimalist masterpiece blending modernity with adventure. Inspired by mountain ranges and bicycles, it captures the essence of excitement and thrill, inviting riders to explore Nilgiris' landscapes.
Color Palette: Our carefully curated palette of Deep Blue, Pine Green, Pearl White, and other hues not only reflects the natural beauty of Nilgiris but also adds a touch of contemporary flair to our logo, resonating with the modern sensibilities of our audience.
Visit for all tour details at TFN